Recently Updated Pages
Running .bat Files on Linux or Steam Deck
Some mods may require you to run a .bat file the install the mod. This is a Windows Batch file th...
Cyberpunk 2077 - Getting Started
This page covers the basics of getting started with installing Cyberpunk 2077 mods on the Steam D...
Professional Projects
Here is a summary of some of the professional projects I have worked on. CIO Remote Warehouse s...
Name: William Wynn Location: Santa Barbara, CA Employment: Extensiv, Software Architect What I...
Setup SSL - It's Free
There's no reason to skip SSL anymore. These instructions will setup an auto-refreshing SSL certi...
BuyALabel was started in 2020 when I was bored during COVID lockdowns. It makes it easy for anyon...
Install Composer
Composer is an extremely commonly used PHP package manager. You will need/want it if you're worki...
Amazon EFS
If you are hosting on AWS EC2 and want to mount an Amazon EFS share to your server, follow these ...
Apache & PHP
Save yourself a lot of hassle and use Remi's RPM repository to ensure you have a well curated and...
Leftover Lunch
Leftover Lunch is a site that my brother (Aaron) and I created in 2005 for the Contagious Media S...
Fake News Script
'Fake News' is the first PHP script I wrote. I wanted to learn more PHP, so in 2005 I wrote this ...
AI Hub
AI Hub was a community website I started in August of 2005. The site was originally named 'Chatbo...
Freakycowbot was an AIML based chatbot/ chatterbot that I started back in 2002. The chatterbot wa...
Recursive Tees
Recursive Tees is a computer science/ geek t-shirt store I created. I noticed a lack of sites tha...
Chatterbot (When Will They Take Over) *This is a mo...
Caffeine (A brief history and the effects of increased usage
Link to archived version:
Artificial Neural Network
This is a backpropagation ANN I wrote from scratch in 2010 to analyze online orders and detect fr...
Conficker Checker
Conficker Checker is a very simple Java application I wrote that tests whether or not you have th...
Cockfight is a cross-platform, 2D multiplayer video game that was developed as a project at UCSB....
Patient Zero
Patient Zero was a virtual pandemic simulator where you created a virus and spread it to other re...